
Celebrating Abilities Inc. started as a support group located in southwest Florida for parents of children with different abilities. We are no longer active as a group because we've all moved on to other areas of the United States. I've decided to keep the blog active so that information can be shared with our loyal families and some new ones, too.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
hawkinsj68@gmail.com or ceenic123@aol.com

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Managing Celiac Disease

Wheat is the grain on which Western civilization was built. It's been
used for thousands of years as the foundation of our diet. But 1 out
of 100 Americans has a condition called celiac disease, which is an
intolerance to wheat, barley and rye. Its symptoms can be subtle, but
if you don't stick to a gluten-free diet you could be damaging your
body and not even know it. More from Mayo Clinic.


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