
Celebrating Abilities Inc. started as a support group located in southwest Florida for parents of children with different abilities. We are no longer active as a group because we've all moved on to other areas of the United States. I've decided to keep the blog active so that information can be shared with our loyal families and some new ones, too.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
hawkinsj68@gmail.com or ceenic123@aol.com

Have a blessed day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

CATS Autism Center

CATS Autism Center is going to run two new group programs this fall. The first will be a Social Skills Program for higher functioning children. The second will be a Play Skills Program for younger children. If you woulld help get the word out on these programs, we would greatly appreciate it.

Anyone wishing information can contact us at (239) 985-2287 or at catsautismcenter@gmail.com

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