
Celebrating Abilities Inc. started as a support group located in southwest Florida for parents of children with different abilities. We are no longer active as a group because we've all moved on to other areas of the United States. I've decided to keep the blog active so that information can be shared with our loyal families and some new ones, too.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
hawkinsj68@gmail.com or ceenic123@aol.com

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Collier County Autism Support Group

The Collier County Autism Support Group is hosting a Parents' Roundtable Discussion Night on Thursday, Feb. 19. The roundtable event will be held at the North Naples United Methodist Church in Founder's Hall from 7 - 9 p.m., and is free to the public.

Parents, grandparents and caregivers are invited to attend the roundtable to share in informal discussions with others based on the child's age: pre-school and elementary; middle school and pre-teens; and high school and young adults. The event is designed to allow parents with children in the same age range to meet with others for information sharing and support. While the event is free to the public, attendees should pre-register to ensure adequate seating. Please contact Robin King, (239)273-2144, or e-mail CollierAutism@gmail.com.

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