
Celebrating Abilities Inc. started as a support group located in southwest Florida for parents of children with different abilities. We are no longer active as a group because we've all moved on to other areas of the United States. I've decided to keep the blog active so that information can be shared with our loyal families and some new ones, too.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
hawkinsj68@gmail.com or ceenic123@aol.com

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Brain Gym

Below is some information taken from the ‘Brain Gym’ website to give you some idea what it’s about.

What is Brain Gym®
Brain Gym® is an educational, movement based programme which uses simple movements to integrate the whole brain, senses and body, preparing the person with the physical skills they need to learn effectively. It can be used to improve a wide range of learning, attention and behaviour skills. Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym® are the result of many years of research into learning and brain function by an educationalist, Dr Paul Dennison PhD, from the United States. It is now used in over 45 countries and is recognised as a safe, effective and innovative educational and self-development tool.

‘Children with Down’s syndrome master gross motor skills -- everything from rolling over to running but need additional help and encouragement to maximise development. Typical children walk at around 12 months of age, but the average child with Down syndrome walks at about 24 months of age. The mastery of gross motor development is the first arena in which children with Down’s syndrome will take on the challenges of life. Fine motor development, speech and education are all challenges that lie ahead, but gross motor development: rolling over, sitting, crawling and walking are the first challenges s/he will meet in life.
This workshop provides parents and with essential information about motor development including the impact of retained infant reflexes associated with Down syndrome.
In the two sessions we will run a two part workshop first working with parents on the theory and experiencing the movement for themselves and then getting the children involved with the exercises to improve balance and coordination. ‘

Who does it help?
Originally created to help children and adults with learning challenges, for example dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD, Brain Gym® is now used to improve functioning and life quality by people from all walks of life from education to the arts, business, healthcare, sport and personal development. The movements can be safely used by people of almost any age and mobility, from babies upwards.

What does it help?
The improvement in whole brain function that can result from use of the Brain Gym® movements has benefits such as:

academic skills – for example, reading, writing, spelling and maths
memory, concentration and focus
physical co-ordination and balance
communication skills and language development
self-development and personal stress management

Can BRAIN GYM® help with special needs, such as Attention Deficit Disorder, hyperactivity, brain damage, or similar challenges?
Children with special needs and severe learning challenges benefit positively from BRAIN GYM®, as is attested to by thousands of families using the activities. Licensed instructors specializing in this area of work may recommend a more intensive program and a simplified or assisted application of the movements.

Can the use of BRAIN GYM® activities or balances affect health, or alleviate stress?
Research over 30 years shows the correlation between brain organization (dominance patterns), attention deficit, allergies, and auto immune deficiency. Balance of the left and right cortical hemispheres depends on cross lateral patterning, including binocular vision, binaural hearing, and contralateral movement. Common sense tells us what research has validated: chronic one-sided behaviours (monocular vision or excessive left- or right-handedness), especially without the context of whole body movement, polarize the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, adversely affecting learning, behaviour, and immune response. Both as a result and a possible cause of these one-sided behaviours, chronic anger, frustration, and depression become part of a cycle of habituated adrenal response and the related high levels of cortisol in the blood.

Does the use of BRAIN GYM® promote permanent, positive changes?
BRAIN GYM® promotes the ability to learn and to retain learning at a deep, whole-brained level. New learning occurs when a person is relaxed and easily able to access their sensory system for seeing and listening, and to comfortably feel and express their feelings. Learning tends to be more permanent, accessible, and applicable when a person is not tense, stressed, or frightened. As self-confidence and self-esteem increase, motivation and behaviour generally improve as well.

How does movement affect the brain? Do actual physical changes in the brain occur through the use of BRAIN GYM®?
Yes. Briefly, BRAIN GYM® works by facilitating optimal achievement of mental potential through specific movement experiences. All acts of speech, hearing, vision, and coordination are learned through a complex repertoire of movements. BRAIN GYM® promotes efficient communication among the many nerve cells and functional centres located throughout the brain and sensory motor system. Blocks in learning occur when the body is tense and information cannot flow freely among these centres. The BRAIN GYM® movements stimulate this flow of information within the brain and sensory system, freeing the innate ability to learn and function at top efficiency.

Is BRAIN GYM® the same as movement therapy, yoga, or other exercises?
BRAIN GYM® is similar to, yet different from, other movement programs. BRAIN GYM® helps to increase flexibility and coordination, as other programs do, yet it also provides specific activities to facilitate brain function for the physical skills required for such activities as reading, writing, and spelling. BRAIN GYM® is fun, easy, and requires no special talents or coordination skills. BRAIN GYM® is a good warm-up for all exercise programs.

For anyone interested, there is someone locally in the SWFL area that does something similar........her contact information is:
Below is some information taken from the ‘Brain Gym’ website to give you some idea what it’s about.


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