
Celebrating Abilities Inc. started as a support group located in southwest Florida for parents of children with different abilities. We are no longer active as a group because we've all moved on to other areas of the United States. I've decided to keep the blog active so that information can be shared with our loyal families and some new ones, too.

If you have any further questions, please contact:
hawkinsj68@gmail.com or ceenic123@aol.com

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

March for Babies

On March 22, 2008 my nephew, Gregg Anthony, was born.
On March 24, 2008 he passed away.
He was born at 24 weeks gestation due to preeclampsia
putting both him and his mother at risk.
It is the reason I've chosen to walk in the March of Dimes' March for Babies walk in my community. Please support me and my family by donating to the March of Dimes.

As all or most of you know, I am a HUGE activist for children, especially children that have a difficult road ahead of them and those who were dealt cards that you and I would NOT have chosen. As I sit here tonight, my heart and mind are heavy. My brother, Gregg, has just become a dad today............his baby was born at 24 weeks gestation and weighs 1lb..........I want to throw my arms around my brother and his family and "make it better", after all, isn't that what big sisters do?!?!?! I know in my realistic mind, that that simply isn't possible. So, I'm left with the next option.............PRAY!!!! and pray HARD!!!! But I can also fight to do what I can to see that another family doesn't have to go through what my brother and his family are going through now...........before today, I was all set to walk in the March of Dimes "March for Babies" walk in my local area, on 4/26 to raise money for these babies. I was ready to walk for all babies, but this year, I'll walk for one. Please take some time and go to the March of Dimes website and see what you can do..........Thank you.


TV Journalist and March of Dimes Volunteer Jane Clayson tells her story about the premature birth of her son William.
William was born weighing only 2 pounds, thirteen ounces and spent three months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
But thanks to his family's support, advanced medical care and research the March of Dimes helped fund, young William, today, is a vibrant little boy.
Jane Clayson and her family formed a March for Babies Family Team to help support the March of Dimes mission to give every baby a healthy start.
Visit marchforbabies.org to form your own family team or to find out more information.

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